{ Tossed and Found, items we picked up from the market } I have been dying to hit up one of the biggest flea markets around (50 years to be specific) the…
My collection of scarves over the years has grown and grown (especially having two sisters to contribute). Although my scarf collection is quit large, I don’t find myself reaching for a scarf…
{ Beautiful day in the city } Unfortunately the spring semester started today, but this past weekend couldn’t have been more perfect. Friday night, my boyfriend and I hit the bowling alley,…
{Lunch Break: Fresh made ice cream sandwich from “Cream” in Berkley for only$1.50} This week was bliss. I enjoyed my last week of break, mostly outdoors with the exception of staying in…
What’s better than being comfortable and stylish? Nothing. Out of all the clothes in my closet my excerise/work out clothes by far get the most use. Although I am partial to Lululemon,…
As I mentioned in my 2011 goals seen here …. cleaning my closet has been at the top of my list for a while now. I have just been dreading getting around…
There is something so delicious about a sweet AND salty treat. Most of the time I can’t make up my mind so if I am craving something salty at the moment or…
{ Coffee and breakfast from my favorite local cafe La Boulange } This weekend was pleasant. Nothing big went on that made it so pleasant it was just a nice sunny happy…