{ Coffee and breakfast from my favorite local cafe La Boulange }
This weekend was pleasant. Nothing big went on that made it so pleasant it was just a nice sunny happy weekend. Most of my weekend was spent outside (catching squirrels/running /attending sports events) or in the kitchen preparing desserts for last nights Golden Globe Awards.
As much as I enjoyed the rain and gloom last week, it was nice to see the sun come out for the weekend.
My girl Pamela, killin’ it down at the Golden Globes with Jesse Eisenberg from the Social Network
Who would have thought that driving to a basketball game would be such and adventure? Well it was …. it took two hours to drive there and then another 30 minutes to find the gym. Luckily we made it for the last 20 minutes of the game (better late than never… right?) and we were able to be there for their big win!
On Friday, my boyfriend and I took a trip to the movies. We saw The Fighter, which was an amazing movie that I would highly recommend, to anyone searching for a movie to see in theaters.