{ A new Lacy shirt from my Grandma }
This week went pretty swell… the sun finally decided to make an appearance which was nice. Before the sun decided to come out, the boyfriend and I went for a nice little walk on the trail while the rain at the beginning of the week subdued. Last weekend was amazing, I did nothing but lounge and watch Law & Order SVU with my sisters, but unfortunately this weekend I shall rise above their SVU & Criminal Mind influence. Instead of being lazy with them… my head will be in the books, my biology book to be specific. I found out yesterday that I have to get a 98% to get my A which is next to impossible, but it’s worth a try! Before I hibernate with my bio stuff for the weekend, I am looking to having lunch with one of my very best friends today! Here are a few things that made me smile this week.
{ My new favorite polish }
{ My secret ingredient (im sharing with you all) for next weeks recipe post }