In San Diego, I would usually leave the house in shorts and a loose t-shirt. But here in New York I wouldn’t even imagine leaving my hotel without multiple layers on. The weather has been unpredictable….. one minute it is snowing, another hailing and then another minute it is pouring rain. With that being said, I have been living in my black pea-coat. It is cozy and warm and matches just about everything. I was always told that if your hands, feet, and head are warm then you will not be cold and during this trip to N.Y. I find that to be very very true. I hope you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day. Today I will be on a plane heading back to the west coast (romantic huh?) However, the second we land in San Diego, I can’t wait to relax, in comfy clothes, on my couch with my date….. which will be my computer and a glass of Champagne. All this traveling has worn me out. I can’t think of a better way to spend my February 14th this year, than by sitting on the couch, catching up on TV show recordings with a bottle of champagne. HAPPY VALENTINE’s DAY!!!
Outfits Feb 14, 2013
Black on black
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