The weather this week was outstanding… the temperature finally reached a degree where it was comfortable to leave the house without a jacket. Last night I spent the majority of my night watching Friday Night Lights; the show is seriously addicting. One minute I’m crying and the next I am laughing. Friday Night Lights is definitely a must see show. You can find all of the seasons and episodes on Netflix and watch at your convenience without being interrupted by commercial breaks. Recently, I spent multiple weekends either traveling or entertaining out of town guests so this weekend I will dedicate my time to catch up on homework. At the end of my last semester I don’t want to be cramming or experience any additional anxiety in the world of procrastination-ville …..hence I am planning ahead. I want to be able to enjoy the last 7 weeks of the semester living in San Diego on the Beach.
{ Cuddling with my little baby }
{ Working on some upcoming pineapple recipes }
{ New booties from ShoeMint }