This weekend was pleasant. The “snow” that was predicted never showed up. Instead Saturday and Sunday were rain and snow free. I have been looking forward to February 27 for quite some time now … it’s Oscar day and two of my cousins birthday (Happy Birthday Angelyn and Ally). In my household Oscar day is equivalent to the super-bowl. We make all sorts of yummy food to accompany us while sitting in front of the TV watching all the beautiful dresses that walk the red carpet (and yes we don’t miss a minute of OTRC) and shouting out who we think is going to win what award. Here is a glimpse of the treats we indulged in and the dresses we loved.
Some of my all time favorite movies:
– Serendipity *
– Sleepless in Seattle
– A walk to remember
– Patch Adams
– The Fighter (Nominated) *
– Finding Nemo
– Monsters Inc.
– Newsies
– The Out of Towners *
– A Bronx Tale
– Inception (Nominated)
– A Beautiful Mind
– Sex in the City
– Return to me *
– Harry Potter (I can watch them over and over again)
– Overboard *
– The Ocean’s series (11,12,13)
* Must seee
{ Some of our favorites }