When I was a kid, cheese and pepperoni was THEE only type of pizza I would eat. But in the past two years I started to venture out from your standard kiddie…
{ YAYYY } I finally found an apartment and an awesome roommate (this was my good news from last weeks post). After three treacherous months of craigslist hunting via calls and emails the…
{ Newest to the collection + supplies for a DIY project } All I have to say is that this weather is a serious bummer, this week was somewhat boring yet exciting…
{ Fresh Cherries } I am convinced that the summer gods are clearly confused…. it is either 100 degrees or 50 degrees. THERE IS NO HAPPY MEDIUM. Yesterday I wore jeans and…
For the past couple of days/weeks/month I have been non stop searching for apartments, condos, and houses. With all the searching I have lost sight of how excited I am to move,…
My usual go to “weekend” breakfast is either french toast or pancakes… something sweet and filled with carbs but this past weekend I woke up with a different craving… an egg sandwich.…
Top-Forever21, Shorts-Forever21, Shoes-MIA (seen here & here), Purse-Miumiu, Watch-Michael Kors, Earrings-Target, Sunglasses-Nordstroms Bright bold colors are a must for this summer. I found this top stopping by Forever21 after school one day……
This week was short… there were some ups and there were some downs. Glad the weekend is here! I will be spending some time with the girls and my family, just what…