

{ Graduating Class of 2011 } Two weeks ago I mentioned some special graduations and told you all pictures would be up last last week… but I forgot to put them up…


Berry Tart

Berries are so fresh right now… so when I hit up the farmers market on the weekends I can’t help but go crazy fruit shopping. When I get a little too crazy…


Fringing Fad

{ Jeans-Forever21, Shirt- Forever21, Gladiators- Target, Necklaces H&M, Sunglasses- Nordstroms, Watch Michael Kors } Yesterday was one of those kick back and relax kind of days… I didn’t feel like getting to…


Buddies and Board Games

For most people you grow up in the same town and attend high-school, middle school and sometimes even elementary school with your friends. As your senior year comes to and end, you…

Finally Friday

Finally Friday

{ Fruit of the season } This week was big. I started my first week of summer school and by about wednesday I was waking up having serious doubts about if I…


An afternoon stroll

Yesterday my boyfriend and I opted for an afternoon stroll (emphasis on stroll… lunges pushup’s and walggin not planned) on the trail behind my house. We decided to skip the gym, so…


Summer Essentials – Part 1

After two long treacherous hours of school yesterday, we decided to have our first Barbeque of the summer. It was so nice, it reached the low 90’s.. I had some friends over…


Strawberry Shortcake

The strawberry’s this season are so delicious … I bought these strawberries at the farmers market last weekend and decided to turn them into a delicious little dessert. Strawberry Shortcake has been…