
Today is Tuesday

Hello all, today is Tuesday March 1 if you didn’t already know (sometimes I lose track during the week) but NEVER on Tuesday because for me Tuesday is the longest day of…


Oscar Madness

{ Woke up to pancakes (my fav.) Sunday morning …. I guess this is one pro to having siblings } This weekend was pleasant. The “snow” that was predicted never showed up.…


Finally Friday & Lulu’s Discount

{ Some of my favorite items @ LuLu*s } SAVE MONEY !!!! My current craze is with Lulu’ Their clothes, shoes, and accessories are aaamaaazing. So affordable and fashionable, that you will…


Pork Chops’ n Applesauce

I opened the fridge yesterday and found the pork tenderloin cut of meat that my grandma purchased earlier in the week. Most of the time I like to cut up my pork…


Tahoe Snow

Brother’s  Neff Beanie, Marshall’s Sunglasses, Northface fleece, Sisters Scarf (f21?), Boyfriends snow pants When you become a college student, you don’t get many days off for school like you did in elementary…


Spring Fever

Despite all the cold rainy weather, Spring is only around the corner. I cant wait for the weather to switch up so I can transfer my spring and summer clothes into my…


8 Things

The rain didn’t stop once this weekend. Needless to say, I spent much of my time inside… catching up on shows, online shopping, blog surfing, scrapbooking and of course homework. Despite the wet cold weather…

Finally Friday

Finally Friday

{ The Beautiful flowers I got for Valentines Day that started blooming } The past two weeks have been rough, but this week in particular was awful. It consisted of wayy to…