
And were up again …

I thought this picture could sum up the past few days for me ………………  I felt bad for the people who had to deal with me this week because if you came…


A little vacation ..

Sooooo… after hours of exchanged emails and yelling at my computer screen I still have yet to arrive at solution. My server decided to take a little vaca this weekend (aka it’s…

Finally Friday

Finally SUMMER

{ New Makeup Bag + Sunglasses } Yes it is also Friday … but today marks the first day of Summer for me. I finished all my finals yesterday afternoon! I couldn’t…


Music in Me

I rarely sit in peace in quiet (exception: in the car with the windows rolled down on a sunny day) a little background noise is always nice. With all the amazing music…

Finally Friday

A ‘lil snack

I mentioned in this post last Friday that I would be preparing something with my secret ingredient for this weeks recipe post. These beans (bought at Costco for $9.00) will last me…


One down. Two to Go.

{ Jean cut-off shorts } I know that this weekend I said that my head would ONLY be in the books, but that wasn’t entirely true. Although I did do a lot…

Finally Friday

Finally Friday

{ A new Lacy shirt from my Grandma } This week went pretty swell… the sun finally decided to make an appearance which was nice. Before the sun decided to come out,…


Another Birthday …

{ She’s gotten so big } WOW. My sister Alina is officially an adult. She turns 18 today. I can’t believe it, I know I mentioned my other sister Tiana’s birthday in…