Recipes Nov 12, 2012


This weekend Mia and I decided that we needed to leave town for a few nights. Thursday night we left for the beach house and remained there until Saturday afternoon. In the 72 hours that we were there THE only time we left the house was for an afternoon sunset walk and a red box/store run. The past couple of weeks have been chaotic and stressful. My work load & project deadlines continue to pile up to the point of total exhaustion. Generally, it is difficult for me to focus on work in San Diego when the weather is a sunny and 70 degrees on most weekends. So ….., we figured that a few nights away from San Diego were just what we needed to power through our to –do list  until Thanksgiving break. The beach house was great, we did nothing but lounge around watch movies, paint, catch up on both work and homework, rock out to music, sit by the fire and listen to the sound of the heavy rain. While watching the Stanford game Saturday afternoon, we decided that pretzels would be the perfect snack. Luckily, we purchased the garlic herb dough from Trader Joes the night before so it was a match made in snack heaven.

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