
Gone to the beach house

This weekend we jetted to the beach house. Mia and I hopped in the car and decided to abandon the beach town that we live in, which was gloomy, grey & overcast, and travel to another beach town that, resembled the…

Finally Friday

Finally Friday

{ Peach Tea from Crystal Light } Words can’t describe how happy I am that it is FINALLY FRIDAY. I endured & survived the agony of finals week only to begin summer…


Traditional Breakfast

Last Sunday morning, my internal alarm o’clock woke me up at 6 am. I dreaded rolling out of bed because I knew what awaited me for the remainder of my day (papers…



Forever 21 – Sweater, Shoes / Nordstroms – Jeans / HM – Button Up Yesterday I finished my last final at 7:45 pm. I enjoyed a nice meal followed by some quality…


In a mood

Yes, I am in a mood, obnoxious attitude at its best! A mood I’m not proud of nor displayed often, nevertheless, an unpleasant mood! It’s the kind of mood where people don’t want to…


Rip Tide

{ A fun video from this weakend } This weekend my roommate Mia and I ventured to the beach to regroup in between preparing for finals. The past couple weeks have been gray and…

Finally Friday

Finally Friday

Sisters are the one thing in life that can be difficult to live with sometimes, but you definitely can’t live with out them! I dropped my sister (Alina) off at the airport…



Some days you just need a little POP of color in your life… whether it is earrings, shoes, a hair accessory, a flower, a pen or a phone case! Colors continually make…